Friday, February 14, 2014

Augmentation mammaire par transfert graisseux.

The Body jet technology is also ideal for creating a natural breast augmentation: the body-jet assisted liposuction water for breast augmentation with fat does not create scar and provides very predictable results.

The fat deposits are also excessive and annoying elsewhere are treated and removed at the same time as breast augmentation .

"Patients in my experience, tend to be very happy then with the guarantee that their breast augmentation was performed depends on the excess fat they also wanted getting rid" says Dr. Zwillinger:

Although not everyone is not a good candidate for breast augmentation with fat transfer, this method has several advantages.

Dr. Zwillinger said: "This is a very good option for patients who require a very natural result both in appearance and to the touch and do not necessarily want a very large increase in breast size."
This technique can be used for breast reconstruction if the patient has had a lumpectomy or to correct defects such as uneven breasts.

It also ets our technique of choice for patients who just want to increase the size of their caps while keeping their old implants.

We also have a great experience on patients who want their implants removed, do not want new dentures but want to have all the same a sufficient volume of the breast.

This technique is of particular interest for patients who have a low excess fat, where fat transfer and breast implants can be successfully combined.
This procedure is also known under the name of "supercharged" or "composite breast augmentation."
The Breast Augmentation Supercharged or composite is increasingly popular in the United States and many surgeons see it the perfect choice for the perfect chest.

"Breast Augmentation Supercharged combines the advantages of both techniques, implants and fat," says Dr. Zwillinger.
In the breast augmentation technique supercharged, the implant generally smaller than for a current breast augmentation, is combined with a natural increase with the patient's own fat. "

This technique allows surgeons to reach a chest more natural feel and very natural appearance.
It enables more improvement in the visible cleavage site (area of ​​transition between the implant and the patient's breast corresponding to the edges of the implant) and reduces the gap between the breasts.
At the same time, you can get much larger with only the mammary fat volumes.

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